There are two sides to every story and I would appreciate at least the chance to tell mine in a more logical manner user facts, not exaggerations.
Amatrix is lying to you. I'm done trying to turn the other cheek.
I've been trying to avoid the drama but its' reached the point now where it has to be answered because there are always two sides to every story.
Amatrix says in her blog:
"They [the cops] called her and told her to not threaten me, leave me be and not post anything about me anymore. They told her to delete my phone number and not bother me. They said the same thing to me.
I followed those directions."
No. She didn't. She has been posting pot shots at me for using pictures she legally sold and decided well after the fact she deserved more for. And then lied, publicly, about not getting paid. And then posted on her own site even though it's so far in violation of the law I could have it shut down right now if I were that spiteful. She admits she lied in a very excuse laden and roundabout way in her blog to make herself the victim. And for the record the police told me she had no claim for harassment, they just didn't want to be bothered with this sort of childish drama. If she actually could have filed charges, based on all the hate and spite she has for me, don't you think she would have?
Amatrix also says in her blog:
"So I had a wild hair up my bum, with a couple beers and some smoke *not an excuse, but I didn't care...* I wrote on one of her posts about me that I was never paid, and I was so thin in those pictures... I said she was false advertising because I am NO longer her model, no longer that thin, and no longer her friend due to her business action."
Read that again from the point of view of a business person who paid her for pictures. That's a written confession that she ignored what the police told her, and that she KNEW she was deliberately doing something wrong - otherwise why would she say "not an excuse" - her entire blog entry is nothing but a rambling ling-winded and revealing excuse about who she really is. She was paid, and no matter how she tries to wriggle out of it through several long winded paragraphs - she agreed to a deal, signed a contract, and then when she didn't like the terms after the fact she demanded more. That's what all this is about. She's pissed off that she sold something, has seller's remorse, and because I didn't agree to just hand over more to her than we agreed to, she thinks that by distorting what happened she'll hurt my business. She is trying to make sure no BBW models will work with me to "punish" me for not giving into her demands back then.
She's been taking little pot shots over at Fantasy Feeder and privately to anyone who would listen for months. She signed a model release, and then publicly lied about it at bbwclubs for the sole purpose of harming my reputation and business (which pretty much defines slander, thanks for the admission in writing :) ). This is shoestring operation. I don't have the money the big time operators have and everyone knows that. I'm driven to be better, and to succeed, but to do it without hurting people and hopefully making friends along the way. She wants you to think everyone hates me now because that's her little fantasy and that's what shes been trying to make come true ever since I refused to give her more than we agreed to in WRITING way back when. Sorry, Amatrix, but that's just not the case, and anyone who listens to BOTH sides of the argument should be able to see that.
I didn't start a fight with her, she has made a conscious choice to go after me, time and time again, under some ridiculous belief that she could throw rocks at me because she had called the cops (who have always felt this was a ridiculous matter and have never taken it seriously) and that she could say or do whatever she wanted to me and I would have to just turn the other cheek (as I've done for months now) and take hit, after hit, after hit. She's obsessed with hurting me and it stops NOW.
I never intentionally posted her private information in a public place - she can try to make it sound that way but it's not true and anyone who looks at what happened - and her absolutely impossible to believe claims after the fact really do show how insane she is:
"Someone on bbwclubs named Kev asked to see the model release, and she posted it.
I was asleep, and heard my phone ringing off the hook. I thought something was wrong with the boyfriend.
So I checked my phone and had over 50 calls from all over the world... a few voice mails that were creepy as shit, and a few threatening me.
Literally telling me they were going to cut my throat, and junk."
Read that again, please. And use your brain. At night, on a niche fetish board, a private communication occurred in which proof was sent ONLY to clear a lie she told about me in a public place (she admits it later, keep reading). For you to believe her, her claim requires that there were hundreds of global hackers who sit at their keyboards waiting and probing, cracking the website's code every few minutes on this one particular niche website in the hopes that the world-famous Amatrix's identity will be someday be outed if they are super-diligent so that they can descend upon her from around the world like some evil cyber-army. Furthermore, within minutes of a private correspondence hundreds of hackers somehow knew THIS WAS THE MOMENT and swarmed in, got her identity, and at least a quarter of them immediately searched her out, got her phone number and decided it would be a great idea to call and threaten her life in an age where anyone who knows enough to hack a website also knows about that whole "Caller ID" thing? Because they all apparently hate her sooo much they were waiting for her model release to get posted in a private forum where they knew to ... I mean do I need to keep going? Really? Over 50 calls? REALLY? At night. From all over the world. Threatening to cut her throat. Within minutes of a private correspondance. Does ANYONE really believe that happened?
She's making stuff up, again. She does this a lot, exaggerates beyond any believable amount for attention and to hurt anyone who doesn't do what she says. And guys go along with it as long as she provides a sexy face and body to fap to. I already know they'll ignore most of the proven facts I'm posting here, in contrast to her made up stories and innuendos, because they don't want to face the truth about her.
Let's see what else she says in her blog post:
"When they finally returned my messages on bbwclubs, they were like- only models can see that post and they have better things to do then to call you.
They called me a liar and told me I needed to stop accusing Gabi of stealing my pictures, even though I had admitted I signed the release- She made me, I would not have gotten the 25 bucks if I had not signed it...* I admitted to them I was paid..."
Back up. Rewind.
" I had admitted I signed the release... I admitted to them I was paid..."
I can provide MANY examples of where she posted publicly this was not the case. That's pretty much defines "liar".
"I am livid she is still posting there."
Too bad. I know that's what she is really after, and has been for months, to drive me away from the community I love. I was willing to live and let live but she, the other hand:
"That is most of the story, I left out some mean things that are insulting to her, and other models."
[Too bad you haven't had this attitude until now, after you started this fire]
"LOL, sorry for so long of a story but you can see that I admitted to kinda egging her on via bbwclubs thread/forums..."
Yes you have. Consistently. People talk to multiple people online. You can't say you haven't been talking about me badly, everyone knows you have. Again, you keep lying and lying and making excuses for it, trying to minimize your part in starting all of this and pointing fingers at the person who was just trying to defend herself. And for successfully defending myself by PROVING you are a liar, you went into full on psycho revenge mode - with 2 hate-filled personal attacks. And, unlike me, she publicly posted my name in a very deliberate attempt to get people to come after me in a personal manner. I would never do something so hateful and vicious. It's time to actually defend myself.
In all my time on these boards I don't think I've ever seen anyone do what you've done. And what's borderline hilarious about it is that her second blog post says:
" I am not going to pursue this further."
"I shake my head. I really do not wish her harm, as I know this whole blog has reached people far and wide in the community... "
Let me get this straight, after admitting to lying about me, after admitting to egging me on, and little gems like:
"You are a horrible person, the worst person I have ever met."
"Also... I thought you had to be pretty to be a model. Just sayin...."
She says all this and then wants everyone to drop it? You don't punch someone in the face and then turn around and go "Oh, fight's over, no need to pursue this further."
Let's read this quote from her:
"She [meaning me, Gabi] is a vile woman, and karma has kicked her down once before. I know what I did to her was not right, I should have kept my mouth shut... but did my crime of disagreeing with her deserve this punishment?"
I never intended to "punish" her, but when attacked in public I damned sure have a right to defend myself from someone who admits over and over again that she started this. What other choice did I have? If I hadn't provided proof of her release they would have let her slander stand.
Oh, one more thing. In her blog posts she says she talked to the mods about how angry she was that I was still allowed to post there considering the rule that she knows full well about:
"I asked why she was still allowed to post on the boards, because the rules say if you post someones personal info you can and will be banned with no choice."
Now it should be obvious to her that when the MODS at that board specifically ask for something that's obviously an exception - and they only asked me for the release she signed in order to clear my name. Something I would have not had to do had she not lied about me in the first place. When her lie was revealed - she made up this crazy story about 50 midnight stalkers to get away from the real point - that she really is, as her sig says, full of Sugar and Spite. Kiss her ass, tell her she's wonderful and she'll say anything you want to hear - but don't give into her demands even when she has no right to demand, and she'll come after you with a vicious vengeance.
Amatrix, you have linked your blog to other boards. You've made sure everyone has seen your blog. Go up and read the rule that you quoted about outing other models, that you obviously knew about while writing your blogspot post. You deliberately, and with full knowledge of the consequences, chose to violate that rule by posting *my* personal information in a very public place - not to defend yourself from slander like I did, but to incite people to "get" me. Well, it's happening. I'm getting the hate mail you were praying I'd get, and the threats. Nothing I ever did meant for that to happen to you, and considering your insane claims I doubt they really have. Any sane person reading those claims really should know better than to believe that. But you have called for hatred against me. There's the real difference between us, for all your explanations and excuses it's your deeds, not your words, that matter. If you wonder why I am not banned (for complying with what the mods asked of me) I really have to wonder now how you haven't been banned - considering you didn't "out" me to clear your name, you did it clearly hoping to get people to hurt me.
No matter what anyone else says or does after this, everyone should remember which of us made an honest mistake to clear our name from what was an admitted lie by the other, and which of us deliberately outed the location and name another model with the sole intent of causing her personal harm. This is the difference between us. And I may be repeating myself but this point needs to be driven home. Even after all the horrible, mean spirited things she has said about me I still haven't called her ugly, or horrible, or a bitch, or posted her name here (even though I could) - and I won't. Because that's not who I am. She has no problem doing that. Go back and read her post again, please read all of it, even the stuff that might be unflattering to me - I know I'm not perfect, and I don't have a lot of money to spend, but I try to get along with everyone and make everyone around me happy when I can. After you read my post and then hers decide which one of us is more likely to be telling the truth.
Sadly, I already know that no matter how much hard proof I supply every fact will be explained away by someone who only sees her through rose-colored fap-glasses. Supposed admirers of BBWs are saying the kinds of things about me that should horrify any self-respecting plus sized woman. But apparently it's okay to make fun of someone's appearance if you like someone else better?
Last thing I read from her:
"I am okay now, but not sorry. I did what I felt I needed to do, and now people know."
I think it sums it up, she's better now, because she's hurt me. That's all she's been trying to do for so long that it must feel wonderful for her. What a wonderful person. Sugar and spite, indeed. She keeps saying I'm threatening her, and I've been saying NOTHING to defend myself until now because it's obvious that she isn't going to stop until I do. There are two sides to this story, and I wonder how many people will actually try to have anything approaching an open mind...